Pastor A.B. and his family walked in to PAG like everyone else in 1992. Their first ministry was serving in the nursery. From there taught Sunday spiritual growth classes, Christi led choir and both served anywhere else they were needed. During this time, the Lead Pastor, Pat Rusch recognized a call of ministry on A.B. A.B. joined the staff as the Business Administrator in 1994. Pastor A.B. served in the role of church administration and ministry development. During this time, Pastor A.B. was mentored by Pastor Rusch in prayer and fasting, worship, integrity of the Word of God and was introduced to shepherding God’s people.
In 1996, the PAG congregation sent the Bennett’s to Arkansas to do youth ministry. There the Bennett’s built a strong youth driven discipleship ministry that is still reaping fruit today. Later they returned to PAG for this church to send them to their assignment with Mercy Ships International and serve as short term missionaries in Guatemala. After a short revitalization work in a small church in East Texas, A.B. and Christi returned to the staff of PAG and served as Associates until Pastor Rusch left in 2005. Since then, Pastor A.B. and Christi and been the Lead Pastors of PAG. For over 20 years they have been blessed to lead this loving and spirit filled church family.
Pastor A.B. was ordained with the Assemblies of God in 2008. Since then, he has served a Presbyter of the Central Section of Illinois and also Executive Presbyter of the Central Illinois Region. He has a passion to encourage and equip other rural pastors through the annual Infuse Conference held in several places in the United States and Guatemala. Starting in 2023, Pastor A.B. and his team will lead the GAP Discipleship School for young adults facilitating a place where they experience the intimate presence of Jesus, discover the Father Heart of God, know their identity in Christ and understand their purpose and mission for the Kingdom of God. It is his heart to infuse this generation with a strong Biblical World view to impact today’s culture.
Christi serves as the PAG Secretary, Director of Hospitality, and Worship. They have three children, a daughter in law and one grandchild.