Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Girls can participate in the fun and life changing Girls Ministry. Girls Ministry is a ministry to help fulfill the Titus 2 principle of women mentoring young girls. Girls can begin in Girls Ministry at 3 years of age and continue through high school.
For Pre-school, 3 and 4 year old boys and girls. The club is built around the Noah’s Ark theme. Mr. and Mrs. Noah are included in some of the lesson stories. The stories, Activity pages, Take-Home pages and music for each lesson reinforce each unit’s individual theme. The program is designed to be enjoyed and easily understood by preschool children. It is also designed to meet the specific spiritual needs of these boys and girls. As Badges are earned the children display them proudly on their vest. Special activities are planned throughout the year.
For third through fifth grade girls. This is a curriculum where the girls may earn a badge a month, and the girls display them proudly on their Sash. Each badge has it’s own theme. Each badge has a Memory Verse, Central Truth, colorful pages to do and a Project that is only limited by your imagination. Special activities are planned throughout the year.
For Kindergarten girls. The Central characters in the Daisies: The Sonshine club curriculum are three girls- Darcy, Diana, and Dorie. These characters are used in the lesson stories as life application references and can be used to help tell stories and review the lessons learned. Badges are earned and the girls display them proudly on their Sash. Special activities are planned throughout the year.
For first and second grade girls. The Central characters in the Prims curriculum are four girls- Megan, Carmen, Kim, and Tonya. These characters are used in some of the lesson stories as life application references. Badges are earned and the girls display them proudly on their Sash. Special activities are planned throughout the year.
For sixth through eighth grade girls. This class meets on Sunday Mornings during Sunday School. Friends club was developed to specifically meet the spiritual and social needs of these girls. Girls in these grades are experiencing many changes. They are making choices and encountering challenges that they didn’t experience in their earlier years. In Friends club girls will find the support and guidance they need to make good choices. The Friends curriculum is discussion oriented. Topics include Accountabiliy, Attitude, Choices, Commitment to Christ, Family Life, The Holy Spirit and much more. Girls earn a Necklace, then add Charms to it as they complete each unit. Special activities are planned throughout the year.